The JPMA Show 2019

Managing Your E-Commerce Platform While Maintaining Your Wholesale Business (Room Show Floor Learning Lab)

11 Apr 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Trade Education

This round table of industry insiders delves into the operation of two parallel tracks – implementing e-commerce platforms along with traditional business-to-business models. Topics will include the never-ending struggle to maintain advertised price and brand integrity; challenges of direct-to-consumer sales and fulfillment; and common mistakes.

Jeremy Richardson, renowned juvenile products attorney and longtime JPMA Associate Member, will lead the discussion.


Jason Sharpe: (i) how to pick the right 3PL for your direct to consumer business; (ii) vetting your potential 3PL partner including good governance protocols (or lack thereof); (iii) appropriate KPI’s; (iv) can your potential 3PL partner handle bulk as well as ones and twos pick/pack/ship.

Braden Jones: (i) analysis of whether a company (based on core product price points) can efficiently and profitably operate a direct to consumer business. Is there a tipping point at which it makes sense for a company to take on the cost of a direct to consumer business? Is an Amazon store with sales fulfilled by Amazon a better business model? Are there other alternatives?

Brad Mattarocci: (i) international product compliance concerns and selling to Amazon Canada; (ii) packaging and advertising claims; and (iii) Minimum Advertised Price Policies.