ASD Market Week July 2019

How to Profit By Understanding Bio-availability to Determine Dosage & Efficacy Among CBD Products (Room Show Floor, Booth #SL3060)

CBD, derived from the hemp plant, is the latest trend in new age pharmacology and is being touted as a natural and safe wonder drug to treat everything from sleep disorders to anxiety to pain management.  CBD products are flooding the market in ever-expanding forms such as edibles, tinctures, inhalants, topical creams, and even infused beverages. These products are relatively expensive but do they work? Research and personal experience reports suggest they do--some better than others.  It is becoming apparent that efficacy depends on how, how much, and what type of CBD is absorbed into human (or animal) receptors. If the product works, it will sell. We will discuss best practices to determine optimal dosage and delivery methods to achieve efficacy and thereby profit.