2022 NAHC Conference

Transforming Team Performance and Culture: Case Conference 2.0 (Room 120/121)

Remnants of ritual hang on to the fabric of how many home health agencies manage case conferencing and IDT meetings. Unfortunately, some entrenched team meeting practices miss the mark on time and resource management, while losing sight of best practice objectives for utilization, compliance, and outcome improvement. When the home health case conference/IDT meeting evolves beyond these old habits and uses risk-informed, data-driven best practices, it holds the opportunity to stack clinical skills, advance QAPI initiatives, strengthen compliance, and revitalize engagement. Our home health clinicians, as well as their leaders, are braving a new world of performance challenges within workforce constraints, TPE resumption, PDGM pressure, the pandemic, and HHVBP. Build strength in adopting new ways to approach these challenges with your teams! Join us as we explore the building of IDT and agency resilience and competence, supported by the Home Health Case Conference 2.0.