2019 Annual Conference & Career Expo

Authentic Executive Presence (Room Salon 2)

30 Oct 19
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: Career Development

Executive Presence is a blending of temperament, competencies, and skills that, when combined support success. Establishing and maintaining Executive Presence requires effective communication, gravitas, and context-appropriate appearance. Authentic Executive Presence (AEP) requires even more, and for women, this process can require further thought and intentionality.

AEP requires an in-depth analysis of your personal values, an understanding of individual corporate cultures and expectations, and the ability to determine, for yourself, how (or to what extent) you balance the two. AEP is about empowering you as a woman to define who you are in the workplace.

Join Stephanie La Rue for an engaging conversation on defining and establishing Authentic Executive Presence, inclusion in the workplace, and the act of balancing professional expectations with personal values.