2019 Annual Conference & Career Expo

Transforming Your Personal Brand Using LinkedIn (Room Salon 4)

Whether you are a new job seeker looking to expand your opportunities or a rising executive interested in catapulting into your next level role, creating a personal brand that stands out to the right audience is your key to success. What do your customers, associates, employees or peers say about you? Your answer to that question defines your personal brand.

Now more than ever, your professional network can be leveraged to fulfill your career vision, create strategic relationships, demonstrate thought leadership, and build deeper connections with customers and colleagues.

Join us to learn specific actions you can take informed by the latest research from Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford, Harvard Business School and LinkedIn. This session specifically addresses how can create a professional brand that stands out for continuous career growth by showing you how to:
  • Increase awareness of your identity and personal trademark
  • Develop and raise your “brand score”
  • Cultivate an executive presence (online)
  • Avoid common pitfalls on social media
  • Create a thought leadership strategy to support your brand (online)