Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 27

The Art of the Digital Deal -- Deliver a Better Buying Experience and More Sales with Integrated Digital Retailing Tools (Room Mandalay Bay L )

20 Aug 19
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM

Tracks: Sales / Variable Ops (ALL), Sales / Variable Ops (Digital Retailing)

Digital retailing is here to stay. Yet, half of all dealers haven’t adopted digital retailing tools. Others have the tools but don’t have a strategy in place to capture and close engaged buyers.

This workshop is a crash course on digital retailing tools, strategy, and best practices to create an efficient and convenient online to in-store customer experience with huge revenue-generating potential. You will learn the key components for success, including the importance of connected systems, such as your CRM and F&I solution, to deliver a differentiated experience. You will also walk through how you can capture engaged buyers by leveraging the most innovative aspects of your retail strategy, including artificial intelligence that brings the most profitable digital leads to the forefront, effective personalization that creates the best path-to-purchase for each customer, and savvy aftermarket merchandising that boosts F&I sales.

Complete with real-world examples of dealers achieving success, you’ll leave with actionable steps to implement digital retailing in your stores.

Primary Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the top 5 components of an effective digital retailing solution for your dealership.
  • Create a list of recommendations for decision-makers to implement processes that support digital retailing and maximize results.
  • Define connected systems and how best to leverage integration for a seamless and more efficient online to in-store customer experience.