Mensa AG 2019

The Psychology of Pre-Suasion (Room Camelback)

04 Jul 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Robert Cialdini
In this presentation, Professor Cialdini shines new light on how to be an effective persuader by showing that the secret doesn’t lie in the message itself but, instead, in the key moment before that message is delivered. Cialdini shows that the best persuaders spend more time crafting what they do and say before making a request. In this way, they gain a singular kind of persuasive traction by arranging for recipients to be receptive to a message before they encounter it. Cialdini calls this pre-suasion. “To persuade optimally,” he asserts, “it’s necessary to pre-suade optimally.” Accordingly, to change minds most effectively, a pre-suader changes initial states of mind. For more information, visit or email