Resource and Project Energy Assessment 2019

Data Quality Impacts on Repower Energy Estimate Uncertainty

10 Sep 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Repowering

Wind farm Repower energy assessments are often based off both meteorological and operational data which is subject to significant quality issues. This may include poor documentation, anemometry impacted dry friction whip, wake impacts on the anemometers and differential wake impacts in the operational data, SCADA/Monthly Production Report inconsistencies, and validation of assumptions around wind turbine operations. UL presents their methodology for repower energy analysis and examines the impact of the aforementioned factors on the uncertainty of the analysis. UL also investigates mitigation through increased use of modeled datasets, reanalysis and mesoscale-based, conditions around documentation requirements and operational assumptions. Results will be presented, in anonymized form, as they pertain to experience gained through UL repower assessments performed in North America in recent years.