2019 Federal Identity Forum & Exposition

Policy, Planning and Integration: Law Enforcement & Security Domain (Room Ballroom A)

Topics to include:

  • 9:00am - 9:30am: The Material and Non-Material Aspects of Capability Development, Dr. Christine Hughes
  • 9:30am - 10:00am: Looking Beyond Biographics and Biometrics for Identity Intelligence, Kathleen Lane
    • From the Intelligence Community (IC) perspective, Identity Intelligence (I2) is the collection, analysis, exploitation, and protection of identity attributes in support of U.S. national interests.  In order to characterize a person’s identity, activity, and intent we must look beyond just biographic and biometric data.  Contextual data is key to discerning individuals intent.  From the IC’s perspective, to protect the American people our mission involves trying to determine the intent of national security threat actors before they commit any nefarious acts against U.S. persons or U.S. interests.  Contextual data can include information on such things as patterns of life, relationships, affiliations, and behaviors.
  • 10:00am - 10:30am: Plan for Incorporating Biometrics for Identity Verification at TSA Checkpoint, Jason Lim
  • 10:30am - 11:00am: REAL ID - The 2020 Compliance Deadline is Fast Approaching, Steve Yonkers
    • On October 1, 2020 full enforcement of REAL ID takes effect.  Beginning on that date, federal agencies will only accept state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards for purposes of accessing federal buildings, entering nuclear power plants, and boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft if those credentials are REAL ID-compliant. This session updates the current state of compliance with REAL ID is, how we are working with our USG partners in implementation of REAL ID, and what it means for you.