United Fresh 2019


Shane Sampels

Shane Sampels
Senior Director, Produce Quality Assurance
Sysco Corporation

Shane Sampels has thirty years of food industry leadership and technical knowledge, and is an industry recognized leader in food safety, quality assurance, sustainable agriculture development, and processing. His product knowledge base includes agricultural products of canned, frozen, produce, beverage, and manufactured grocery. Shave has successfully implemented several innovative programs within the food industry, including; sustainable agriculture initiatives, produce food safety databases, and plant design and construction including new business start-up. He currently is acting as the Senior Director of Quality Assurance at Sysco and the subsidiary FreshPoint. FreshPoint is a leading distributor of fresh products specializing in produce. Shane previously was also Director of Quality Assurance for produce, frozen, canned and beverage products for the Sysco Brand Product Programs. Shane holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Food Science from Oregon State University.

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