Automated Vehicles Symposium 2019


Katherine Evans

Katherine Evans
Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
Sorbonne University, VEDECOM

Katherine Evans is a doctoral researcher at Sorbonne University, and a member of the AVEthics project, a young researcher project funded by the ANR and the Vedecom Institute (for decarbonated and connected vehicles, and the future of mobility). Her research focuses on the ethics of artificial intelligence, specifically, the implementation of moral behaviour in robotic technology such as autonomous vehicles. Through her research and public interaction, she aims to help ‘close the cognitive gap’ between popular opinion and scientific reality in regards to the future of human-AI interaction. Beyond her penchant for technology, Katherine holds a masters degree in political and ethical philosophy from the Sorbonne, and an undergraduate in cinematography. Her experience spans across two cultures: France, and Canada, her country of origin.

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