Automated Vehicles Symposium 2019


Adrian Zlocki

Adrian Zlocki
Director Automated Driving
fka GmbH

Dr. Adrian Zlocki studied automotive engineering at the RWTH-Aachen University (Technical University Aachen). During his studies he stayed abroad for one research semester at the POSTECH University in Pohang, South-Korea. Since 2004 he has been employed as a Scientific Engineer at the ADAS department of the “Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge der RWTH Aachen University“ (ika), the Institute for Automotive Engineering. Between 2007 and 2010 he lead a research group in the field of ADAS development and assessment at ika. He is currently head of fka’s Automated Driving department. He is active in several serearch activities such as L3Pilot (EU), PEGASUS (Germany), SAE/DIN and HEADSTART (EU).

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