Cable-Tec Expo 2018

Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) Pre-Conference Session (Room B405/406/407)

22 Oct 18
7:30 AM - 12:30 PM

(Available with full conference pass; RSVP required.  This session has reached capacity and is now closed.)

Interest in Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) continues to mount among operators. At Cable-Tec Expo® 2017, the pre-conference seminar focused on Remote PHY and became a standing room-only sellout. This year’s seminar not only follows up on that topic but also expands to encompass more topics that affect how services are delivered over the access network to our customers.

Network operators, vendor partners, CableLabs®, and SCTE•ISBE will speak about virtual CMTS, flexible MAC, Headends Re-Architected as Data Centers (HERD), the Generic Access Platform (GAP), and Full Duplex DOCSIS®.

Show up early, join your industry colleagues, and learn about the newest DAA technology trends and deployments. Everyone who registers for the Expo full-conference pass may attend this seminar at no additional charge.

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