PCBC 2019

Data vs. Design: What Difference Does it Make? (Room Lower Lobby, Room 3)

31 May 19
9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Affordability Solutions, Design, Planning, Placemaking, Included with PCBC Passport

This panel brings together a market specialist, architect, and property manager to explore how market data may or may not drive design and property planning decisions. The Data can be laser focused, but can design solutions be that fine-grained? What’s the track record for communities which have pursued very specific target renters? Do they get who they went after? As the largest multifamily design firm in North America, our ultimate goal is to inform attendees on the pros and cons of data-driven design and help them decide if this numbers-based strategy is right for their next project. Expect a lively conversation that may raise as many questions as it answers, but is sure to pique curiosity and encourage dialogue.

AIA CES Credit Eligible: LU 1.0 Hour(s)