Technical Panel: Flexible Terminals: The Lynchpin of a Hybrid Wideband Architecture (Room Chicago)

There are currently more than 1500 wideband terminal types operating more than 80 modem configurations acquired by 14 organizations worth $15B.  This stove-pipe approach brings a wealth of challenges for any Enterprise solutions that bring new services or capabilities without costly integration, test and deployment efforts.  Enterprise Management and Control along with a pool of COMSATCOM services at a fraction of the cost being spent today is necessary to meet the gap between the growing operational demands and capacity of purpose-built government systems.  Flexible terminals are needed to access and roam between the heterogeneous pool of COMSATCOM resources in an operationally relevant timeline.  This panel will discuss current efforts to modify legacy terminals to roam between wideband SATCOM services, examination of future mission assurance/resiliency needs to operate in contested/congested environments, and identify constraints/benefits of terminal flexibility (i.e. cost, schedule, operational concepts).