Railway Interchange 2019

Upgrades to Bridge Management Practices (Room Auditorium)

23 Sep 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: AREMA Technical Sessions By Date- Structures, AREMA Technical Sessions By Functional Group- Structures, Technical Sessions By Day- Monday

The Genesee & Wyoming Railroad (G&W) owns over 100 railroads throughout North America which includes over 9,000 bridge assets. G&W acquired an off-the-shelf enterprise SaaS solution to manage all their U.S.-based bridge assets while adhering to the FRA, 49 CFR Part 237 requirements. The new technology was procured in 2017 to be the bridge management and mobile data collection solution for G&W and is currently utilizes among all bridge inspectors and central bridge managers for mobile data collection in the field and for reviewing inspection reports and setting up and planning for future inspection work in the office. Mobile data collection consists of bridge inspectors in the field using a mobile phone to validate and capture inspection data including photographs all while online or offline. This data syncs up to the central database via the cloud for managers in the office to see real-time when work orders are complete or when critical conditions are found. Since this solution consists of a web application, native mobile application, and cloud hosting there was no additional hardware for G&W to acquire beyond the normal equipment of mobile phones and laptop computers that employees already receive. G&W strategically selected a system that is asset independent so assets beyond bridges can eventually be managed in the system such as signals, culverts, and retaining walls. The next step for G&W includes deeper analytics, expanded dashboard, and the inclusion of managing maintenance work to create a robust and more complete asset management solution. *Missed this Session or want to view it again? Stop by the VirtualAREMA kiosk located in the Registration area to purchase this product today!