Construction SuperConference 2019

S19 Design-Build and P3 in Transportation Infrastructure: Trends, Challenges and Best Practices for Contracts and Risk Management (Room Palos Verdes 7)

Ineffective contract administration and risk management are two major contributors of under-performing construction projects. In this session, panelists will discuss trends, challenges, and best practices for contract and risk management in Transportation Infrastructure design-build projects. The session will focus on the management and resolution of change. Panelists will educate Project Owners on the impact of change on design and construction phases, and will educate Internal Staff and Project Team Members on effective ways to manage and administer change, to optimize the resolution process, and deliver project success.

Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Understand the role of effective contract and risk management.
  • Identify and compare the underlying causes and impacts of change in the design and construction phases of design-build projects.
  • Understand how to apply best practices for effective contract and risk management.